Jawaban "Make The Sentence Of Cause Efect Using The Connector: For​"

Nah .. Jika kamu mau mendapatkan cara menjawab mengenai soal Make the Sentence of cause efect using the connector: For​, maka teman-teman telah ada di tempat yang benar.

By the way, kami sudah menyusun 1 kunci jawaban tentang Make the Sentence of cause efect using the connector: For​. Monggo pelajari cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut disini:

Make The Sentence Of Cause Efect Using The Connector: For​

Jawaban: #1:


Cause sentence is a sentence that shows the cause of an event or event. While the sentence is the result of the impact or consequence of the event that occurred.

So in other words, the sentence of cause and effect is a sentence that explains why an event occurs so that it has an impact or effect.

To make a cause and effect sentence, it is necessary to connect words or conjunctions to connect between phrases.


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