Jawaban "G. Rearrange The Words Into A Good Sentence 1. Exercises-the Pupils-Fridays-have-on-physical 2. He-h..."

Berlatih pelajaran dengan strategi menyelesaikan contoh pertanyaan ternyata lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan metoda ini teman-teman akan lebih cepat memahami makna dari pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu kamu dalam menghadapi ujian.

Kami sudah memiliki 1 cara mengerjakan dari G. Rearrange the words into a good sentence 1. exercises-the pupils-Fridays-have-on-physical 2. he-h.... Silakan baca kunci jawabannya selengkapnya disini:

G. Rearrange The Words Into A Good Sentence 1. Exercises-the Pupils-Fridays-have-on-physical 2. He-hard-champion-before-Tyson-became-very-practised-the Heavy Weight 3. That-is-on-the Grass-green-football Field 4. Be-this Week-will-renovated-the Velodrome 5. To-me-morning-always-go-father-on-takes-Sunday-jogging 6. Clubs-are-Inter Milan-football-Italian-and-Juventus 7. The Evening-play-boys-in-usually-football, When-is-except-raining-it 8. Not-chess-his Friends-like-do-Jafar-play-and-to 9. The Equipment-you-will-soon-prepare-? 10. Clubs-team-to-year-the-become-of-top-European-football-the-compete H. Complete The Sentences Tu What's Un?

susunlh Kalimat² Itu..​

Jawaban: #1:


1. The pupils have physical exercises on Fridays.

2. Tyson practiced the heavy weight very hard before he became champion.

3. The grass is green on that football field.

4. The velodrome will be renovated this week.

5. Father always takes me jogging every Sunday morning.

6. Inter Milan dan Juventus are Italian football clubs.

7. Boys usually play footbal in the evening except when it is raining.

8. Jafar and his friends  do not like to play chess.

9. Will you prepare the equipment soon?

10. (Maaf aku mau tidur jadi jawab sendiri ya)


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Itulah cara menyelesaikan mengenai "G. Rearrange the words into a good sentence 1. exercises-the pupils-Fridays-have-on-physical 2. he-h..." yang bisa kami infokan, semoga bermanfaat!

Pesan Mimin: jawaban di atas belum tentu akurat karena penjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan jawaban di atas dengan bijak. Bila kamu belum yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.

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