Jawaban "Choose The Correct Answer. H Н To Have A Haircut: A. Bowling Alley B. Department Store C. Barbershop..."

Apakah teman-teman telah tahu, ternyata melihat cara menjawab pekerjaan rumah dengan memanfaatkan google adalah cara cepat yang perlu dicoba?.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metoda belajar dengan metoda mencari cara mengerjakannya bisa memperbaiki hasil tes pada mata pelajaran matematika.

Kami telah menyusun 2 kunci jawaban atas Choose the correct answer. H Н To have a haircut: a. bowling alley b. department store c. barbershop.... Silakan pelajari cara menjawabnya selanjutnya disini:

Choose The Correct Answer.
To Have A Haircut:
a. Bowling Alley
b. Department Store
c. Barbershop
I Need To Eat:
a. Movie Theater
b. Department Store
c. Food Court
I Need To See The New Harry
Potter Movie.
4. To Buy Shoes:
a. Bowling Alley
b. Department Store
c. Barbershop
5. I'm Looking For Leather Jacket.
a. Movie Theater
b. Department Store
c. Food Court
6. I Need A New Necklace.
a. Movie Theater
b. Department Store
c. Food Court
a. Movie Theater
b. Department Store
C. Food Court
Basic English​

Jawaban: #1:


•To have a hair cut=C.barbershop

•I need to eat=C.food court

•I need to see the new Harry Potter movie=A.movie theater

•To buy shoes=B.department store

•I need a new necklace=department store

Jawaban: #2: haircut : c. Barbershop
to eat : c. foot court
to see movie : a. movie theater
to buy shoes : b. department store
leather jacket : b. department store
new necklace : b. department store

AMC, Regal Theaters reducing seating capacity by at least 50% due to

amc (sumber gambar: www.fox5ny.com)

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NB: Jangan telan bulat-bulat, solusi di atas belum tentu benar karena penjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan solusi di atas dengan bijak. Kalau sobat belum yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.

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