Jawaban "Contoh Price Guitar 300.000 The Price Of The Guitar Is Theree Hundred Thousand Rupiash Price Pens Rp..."

Apa anda sering diberi pertanyaan sama sekolah? Tetapi kamu tidak bisa menyelesaikannya? Sebenarnya ada beberapa metoda untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah tsb, termasuk dengan bertanya pada orang tua. Selain itu, mencari cara mengerjakannya di internet bisa menjadi trik jitu sekarang ini.

By the way, kami sudah mempunyai 2 cara mengerjakan mengenai contoh price guitar 300.000 the price of the guitar is theree hundred thousand rupiash price pens rp.... Silakan baca cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Contoh Price Guitar 300.000
the Price Of The Guitar Is Theree Hundred Thousand Rupiash

price Pens Rp 10.000

price T-shirt Rp 55.000

price Clock Rp 30.000

price Unifrom Rp 75.000

price Socks Rp 25.000

Jawaban: #1:


- the price of the pens is ten thousand rupiash

- the price of the T-shirt is fifty five thousand rupiash

- the price of the clock is theree thousand rupiash

- the price of the uniform is seventy five thousand rupiash

- the price of the socks is twenty five thousand rupiash

Jawaban: #2:


1. the price of the pens is ten thousand rupiah

2. the price of the T-shirt is fifty five thousand rupiah

3. the price of the clock is theree thousand rupiah

4 the price of the uniform is seventy five thousand rupiah

5 the price of the socks is twenty five thousand rupiah



(sumber gambar: www.youtube.com)

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